End of the Year and Happy New One


To close out the year we went to the Kortum Trail and explored the Mammoth rocks.

We also drove next to the Russian river which was beautiful.

These are out of order, but here’s a bouquet I made for a friend.

And here is the one from Thanksgiving. I’m very grateful for this year.

First time seeing a protea in bloom. The San Francisco Zoo has incredible landscaping.

Sometimes Lego is generous enough with the extra pieces you can make a whole flower chef to go with your Thanksgiving centerpiece.

We went to Mount Diablo and explored rock city, the Mary Bowerman Loop, and the visitor’s center at the top.

It’s been beautifully rainy, and in the little breaks I like getting photos.

Thank you Master Gardeners of Solano County for the wildflower seed packet. The raspberry cosmos was my favorite.

We pulled out a few carrots and they were delicious.

She keeps picking the first anemones, but they have gained momentum and can out bloom her now.

That’s all for now from the petrified forest looking at Mount Saint Helena.


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