Started this post on Michaelmas…

All the indoor plants needed to move up in containers, so I got that done. The grass has come in nicely, and most of the rest of the plants have appreciated being babied this month as well. I took some shots of all the little vignettes I get to see when I’m in the garden, but that normally get lost in the bigger landscape shots. The garden is one of the few places I feel tall. To truly see it would require an ability to move like an insect. They definitely get all the best views. 

We got to go to the Annie’s Annuals and Perennials Fall Planting Extravaganza. It was so fun. The girls had their faces painted (triceratops and rainbows) and made pots with the Richmond Children’s Art Institute. I bought a buckwheat (Eriogonym grande var. rubescens “Red Buckwheat”) and should have bought more, but I’m short on room right now.

Lots of little lettuces and a couple of little marvel peas that my toddler planted came up.

Here’s my new plant. It is also next to the spot I sowed the wildflower mix I picked up at a master gardeners talk. I also spread out some lettuce seeds there, and it looks like we’ll get a little of both.

Full view in morning light.

Snapdragons, scabiosa, allium

dianthus, geranium, chrysanthemum, dahlia

gallium odorata, (can’t remember the name of the other two), salvia

anemones, nasturtium, sweet peas in the grass

violets, asters, yarrow, snapdragon 

This is a volunteer tomato in the back corner of the strawberry patch.

Our view from our dining room .
First view walking out.

Long view.

Back side view.

And a final sneak peek into the Halloween decorations which will be up soon now that the front bushes are pruned. 


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