Kid Garden Project Update


This sunflower grew from some spilled birdseed. It has been a bit sad in this cold weather, but I think it doesn’t matter when you plant sunflowers here.

Volunteers are welcome anytime with a face so cheerful.

The anemones are coming up beautifully.

I haven’t made many bouquets yet, but I went out and cut a few for Valentines.

We learned about the observation level at the de Young museum in the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco and it did not disappoint. I loved seeing the living roof from above.

Our main goal that day was to see the conservatory of flowers and to check out a photography exhibit at the library at the botanical garden. We accomplished both goals, plus saw some beautiful blooming magnolia trees. It was a great day.

The birds keep landing on this owl statue’s head. I think it’s the cutest thing.

And here’s the promised kid garden update. I divided the asparagus ferns which had gotten large. Then I also planted out the final bed since it has been almost a full year an no one has contacted me with any plans or ideas of their own. It didn’t make me too sad though, because I did want to do this Dino habitat. It has held up well so far, we just lost a few rocks.


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