We had a blue harvest moon tonight. Our landscapers mowed the back field yesterday as well. Everything is cut short and ready for winter growing. I got some pictures of the moon, but I don’t have a night lens or anything, so it’s more to capture the feeling than what it looked like in reality. I also saw an opossum out there snuffling around last night. That was neat, but I wasn’t fast enough to get a picture.
It was very clear and bright. You could see the face especially well. Earlier in the evening it was more yellow, because we had a particularly bad air quality day. |
If you look closely, you can see the moon’s reflection off of one of the patio chairs in the middle ground of the left hand side of this photo. It was bright. |
Trees at night silhouetted against the sky are one of my favorite things. |
We made blue royal frosting to celebrate the blue moon, but we’re too impatient to wait and pipe a border and then flood. It was delicious anyway.

This was a bouquet from last week. I accidentally pulled all of these except the rose in the back. I was shocked that the nasturtium kept growing and even made a new flower. I looked them up and that is expected, so I might need to grow more of those. They re becoming a favorite. |
Spot the dragonfly. We also saw an electric blue on eon our walk the other day. |
I did a garden clean up recently, and everything looks a bit bare, but full of potential. The mums are about to bloom. I’m thinking about seeding the lawn. Lots of bermuda grass everywhere. That’s about it for now.
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